Call us: 01970 615 616

Data Buildings

Data Buildings

Electrical Estimates are a Registered CommsScope (AMP TE Krone) UK Installer and Welsh Government National Procurement Service Registered Framework ICT Installer for the whole of Mid Wales.

Data and Intelligent Buildings

By using Electrical Estimates, you can focus on training and planning and leave the day-to-day installation and design to us.


– Structured cabling
– Intelligent Building Management
– Access Control
– Electronic security
– Network architecture
– Professional services.

Our clients benefit from bespoke solutions tailored to their own specific needs; from the design, integration, completion and commissioning. We can work to tight deadlines to ensure the ongoing performance and day to day running of a business.

Electrical Estimates are a Registered CommsScope (AMP TE Krone) UK Installer

Our colleagues are trained and qualified to offer an assured and warrantied service to clients; along with our accreditations our clients will get a quality service. We can increase efficiencies, simplify sophisticated technologies and enable bolt on systems for the future of the building.


Electrical Estimates already provide these services to Retail, Industrial, Schools, Colleges and Universities throughout Mid Wales.